Saturday, March 20, 2010


not much happening here - just walking the dog and thinking. the pic comes from

The closure of the naval
Communication centre
All cordoned off
After last years cull
(400 killed)
The new developments around
This end of town.
Even so gray roos
Now mob the covert.

A flat thumping sound.

Extravagantly exuberant growth
Phalanx of grassy hedgehog
Flower dactyl spears
Haphazard racing embrace
The sun. Rays fall through
Afternoon oblique curtains
Angles drop indirect light
Formless the wall
Over her bed.
Above her head.

Acrobatic bull fighters
On the delta wall.

Detritus of last
Months heavy rains
Dirt pacted path
Of years of home
From work walks.

Snapping wing sound grass
Hoppers taking flight
Far off the prop thin
Sound of a slate sky
Obscured plane
The wind rattles the dry
Leaves imitating
The watery flowing.

Green drought
Just dig
Your hands
A little bit
Dry as...

1 comment:

Another Canberra Homeschool said...

I love that the roos are fighting back, too!


Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator